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      New project to provide systematic monitoring of EU externalisation policy

      What are the objectives of the EU’s external migration policy? With which countries are new migration agreements planned? How is the EU seeking to integrate non-European states into its violent migration control regime? And what impact will this have on people seeking protection, migrants, democracy and human rights, inside and outside the EU?

      A new project, ‘Outsourcing borders: Monitoring EU externalisation policy’ explores these questions. A bulletin to be published every two months by Statewatch and migration-control.info will analyse and compile the key documents produced and discussed by working groups in the Council of the EU.

      The aim is to provide an overview of current and planned measures related to the externalization of European migration policy – and thus inform legal, campaigning and advocacy work by civil society organisations; investigations by journalists; and scrutiny by national and European MPs.

      Registration for the bulletin, which is published in English and French, is possible here

      The forthcoming reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and the measures introduced by the Pact on Migration and Asylum make critical scrutiny of the EU´s externalisation agenda more important than ever.

      However, the agenda characterized by a high degree of secrecy. Important working groups usually meet in secret and may not even produce minutes of their meetings, while the documents used to inform discussion can remain hidden from public view for months, if not years. Negotiations and projects with partner countries take place behind closed doors. At the same time, it is difficult to maintain an overview in view of the numerous parallel processes and the large number of players and countries involved.

      The project, financed by Misereor, Brot für die Welt, medico international and PRO ASYL addresses these problems. The bulletin will shed light on this opaque political field and aim to create a sound basis for the work of activists, journalists, academics and NGOs.

      Bulletin: 1st edition

      Bulletin 01: Outsourcing Borders – Monitoring EU Externalisation Policy

      Bulletin 01: Outsourcing Borders – Monitoring EU Externalisation Policy


      This project, carried out by Statewatch and migration-control.info and funded by Bread


      This project, carried out by Statewatch and migration-control.info and funded by Bread for the WorldMisereorMedico and Pro Asyl aims to make the EU’s externalisation policies, plans and practices public. In doing so it seeks to highlight their impact on the rights of people on the move, as well as democratic standards, transparency and accountability. It addresses a lack of public information by publishing relevant EU documents, in this phase primarily those produced or discussed by the Council of the EU. It also tackles the overflow of information that results from a variety of EU institutions, working groups and national governments involved in the externalisation agenda by summarising thematic and regional developments, and by analysing key issues in depth.



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