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      Editor's recommendations:

      Projects supported by Misereor strengthen the self-initiative of the poor.

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      About us

      Misereor is right there at the side of the weak

      Misereor is the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation. For over 60 years Misereor has been committed to fighting poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Misereor's support is available to any human being in need – regardless of their religion, ethnicity or gender.

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      Board of Directors

      Our Board of Directors is composed of Andreas Frick, Annette Ptassek and Bernd Bornhorst.

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      Fossils Implicated. How the Promotion of Fossil Energies Inhibits Africa's Development.

      Fossils Implicated. How the Promotion of Fossil Energies Inhibits Africa's Development.


      The expansion of fossil fuels in Africa has serious social and economic consequences


      The expansion of fossil fuels in Africa has serious social and economic consequences that hinder development in many countries. The report “Fossils Implicated.” shows how renewable energies can promote sustainable development and at the same time support global goals such as the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement.

      • Publisher: Climate Advisers Network, Power Shift Africa, Misereor
      • Publication date: June 2024
      • Pages: 40

      Good life within planetary boundaries – worldwide

      Good life within planetary boundaries – worldwide

      Outlook and approaches 2024 – 2028

      Misereor’s strategy paper ‘Good life within planetary boundaries

      Outlook and approaches 2024 – 2028

      Misereor’s strategy paper ‘Good life within planetary boundaries – worldwide’ defines seven priorities for our work until 2028. For each of the seven priorities, the paper provides a short analysis from Misereor’s point of view, followed by a strategic vision and a description of what we plan to do to achieve this vision. Our overall goal is to contribute to building a good life for all together with our partner organisations by promoting sufficient lifestyles.


      Addressing and Financing - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Addressing and Financing - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Briefing Paper

      Given the particular vulnerability of informal urban settlements, it is of utmost

      Briefing Paper

      Given the particular vulnerability of informal urban settlements, it is of utmost importance to ensure the speed, eligibility, adequacy and accessibility of damage financing. Innovative approaches that take into account the specific characteristics and needs of informal settlements must be considered and implemented.


      Discussion paper: Rights of Nature - Challenging the “human-nature” relationship?

      Discussion paper: Rights of Nature - Challenging the “human-nature” relationship?


      In the fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment, the idea of


      In the fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment, the idea of the rights of nature is increasingly gaining prominence, especially in countries of the so-called Global South. The Misereor discussion paper presents fundamental aspects and developments of the approach and places it in the context of the socio-ecological transformation.

      • Publication date: April 2023
      • Publisher: Misereor
      • 12 pages

      Egypt - EU support for "Fortress Egypt". Country Briefs on EU Migration Partnerships with Third Countries

      Egypt - EU support for "Fortress Egypt". Country Briefs on EU Migration Partnerships with Third Countries

      Country brief

      The migration partnership between Egypt and the EU has gained new momentum thanks to

      Country brief

      The migration partnership between Egypt and the EU has gained new momentum thanks to the most recent agreement on March 17. The background to this is the EU's concern about an increase in irregular arrivals, which is putting previous cooperation in the externalization of European asylum responsibility to the test. How will the partnership be implemented in practice? What impact does it have on migrants, refugees and the partner country? These questions are answered in the current country brief by Misereor and Brot für die Welt on the EU migration partnership with Egypt. (Die deutsche Version folgt in Kürze)


      Climate justice and the right to water

      Climate justice and the right to water

      Inspiring experiences of adaptation in urban areas of Latin America.


      13 NOVEMBER 2023

      Gaza: Relief organisations call for humanitarian aid

      Misereor, terre des hommes and medico international are calling on the German government to support a humanitarian truce.
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      18 October 2023

      Statement on the attack on the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City

      15 October 2023

      Gaza: Ensure compliance with international law

      13 OCTOBER 2023

      Statement by Pirmin Spiegel on the conflict in Israel/Palestinian territories

      Change the world with just €2

      Together with many supporters and project partners, we enable children and young people to take their future into their own hands and stand up for their rights.
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      Short film: Misereor funded projects

      This short film presents the benefits of project evaluations and why partners organisations should consider commissioning them locally.

      It introduces examples and various partners’ experiences with such local evaluations.

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      Whistleblowing System and Ombudsperson

      Misereor uses a whistleblowing system to provide a confidential and straightforward way to submit reports. The whistleblowing system serves as an input channel for reports of violations of Misereor’s code of conduct, internal regulations of the organisation or applicable laws.

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      I support Misereor
      • Development support provided since 1958
      • Through more than 100,000 Projects
      • In Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America
      Donate by bank transfer: IBAN DE75 3706 0193 0000 1010 10 - BIC: GENODED1PAX - Pax-Bank Aachen