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      Misereor produces a range of publications on its focal topics each year. Here you will find these documents for your information and use.

      We hope you enjoy reading the publications!

      Study Report - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Study Report - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements


      Despite adaptation efforts, climate-induced disasters are increasingly affecting


      Despite adaptation efforts, climate-induced disasters are increasingly affecting vulnerable urban communities. Using case studies from Sao Paulo (Brazil), Nairobi (Kenya) and Jakarta (Indonesia), the research summary commissioned by Misereor and conducted by UNU-EHS and MCII analyses how vulnerability, exposure and climate-related hazards cause economic and non-economic losses and damages in urban informal settlements. It identifies strategies to avert, minimise and address losses and damages, and how financing mechanisms should be designed to ensure adequate support for the most climate-vulnerable urban communities.

      • Publisher: Misereor
      • Publication date: October 2024
      • Number of pages: 137
      Cities as levers for socio-ecological transformation

      Cities as levers for socio-ecological transformation

      Our world is becoming increasingly urban - the 21st century is 'the century of cities'. The Misereor

      Our world is becoming increasingly urban - the 21st century is 'the century of cities'. The Misereor position paper 'Cities as levers for socio-ecological transformation' discusses the opportunities and challenges of urbanization in the face of urban poverty and inequality, the environmental and climate crisis and governance problems. Guidelines and recommendations are addressed to partners and allies as well as political decision-makers: how can the key role of cities and urban actors be (better) used in terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement? The document can also be found in German , Spanish and French

      Recommendations on the future Africa strategy of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

      Recommendations on the future Africa strategy of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


      Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) and Misereor welcome the development of a new


      Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) and Misereor welcome the development of a new Africa strategy by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).




      With camelids into a sustainable future. Learning from pastoralist communities.

      With camelids into a sustainable future. Learning from pastoralist communities.


      The importance of camelid herders for the conservation of our world's rangelands is


      The importance of camelid herders for the conservation of our world's rangelands is increasingly recognized internationally. To mark the International Year of Camelids (IYC), this thematic dossier introduces camelid pastoralists, how they sustainably manage rangelands in the Andean highlands, East Africa and Mongolia, and why the global community should support camelid pastoralism for a resilient future of our planet.

      • Publisher: Misereor, League for Pastoral Peoples, DITSL
      • Pages: 20 
      • Responsible in terms of the law: Sabine Dorlöchter-Sulser, Rural Development Specialist at Misereor (sabine.dorloechter-sulser@misereor.de)
      Towards Legal Recognition of Peasant Seed Systems in Africa

      Towards Legal Recognition of Peasant Seed Systems in Africa


      This study aims at giving fresh impetus to the debate in a threefold manner: firstly, it


      This study aims at giving fresh impetus to the debate in a threefold manner: firstly, it provides an overview of the legal  framework conditions with regard to PSS at the international level. Secondly, it analyses national legislation of countries (India, Brazil, Ecuador, Italy and Ethiopia) which have attempted to legally recognise peasant varieties or PSS. Thirdly, it presents two examples of countries (Mali and Uganda) where civil society actors advocate for the recognition of PSS. 


      Study "Cooperation with German diplomatic missions for the protection and promotion of civil society space"

      Study "Cooperation with German diplomatic missions for the protection and promotion of civil society space"

      Briefing paper
      Since German diplomatic missions can make an important contribution to protecting

      Briefing paper
      Since German diplomatic missions can make an important contribution to protecting space for civil society as well as HRDs, Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Konsortium ZFD (Civil Peace Service Consortium) and Misereor have commissioned a study on good practices in the cooperation between diplomatic missions and civil society.


      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2024

      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2024


      Compared to the years during the COVID-19 crisis, in some countries of the Global South the


      Compared to the years during the COVID-19 crisis, in some countries of the Global South the debt situation has slightly eased. For most countries there, however, the debt situation remains tense. In 130 of the 152 countries surveyed in the Global South, the debt situation is at least slightly critical; in 24 of these countries, the situation is very critical. Overall, 55% of the countries surveyed are critically or very critically indebted – in contrast to only 37% before the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2024, countries in the Global South have to make more debt service payments to their external creditors than ever before. For 45 countries, more than 15% of government revenue flows into debt servicing.

      • Published: 15 April 2024
      • Editors: Misereor and erlassjahr.d
      Discussion Paper: Towards a socio-ecological transformation of the economy

      Discussion Paper: Towards a socio-ecological transformation of the economy

      Discussion paper

      The present study gives an overview of approaches, concepts and examples. However,

      Discussion paper

      The present study gives an overview of approaches, concepts and examples. However, since there are many approaches and concepts and even more practical  experiences, the study cannot be complete but can only pick some prominent examples and serve as a starting point for the platform project. Participants of the platform project will add many more approaches, concepts and examples from their practical work to this initial collection and enrich it with their expertise, views and experiences.


      We are crying for our land

      We are crying for our land

      Stories from the Panguna Listening Project

      From 1989 to 2001, Bougainville experienced a violent

      Stories from the Panguna Listening Project

      From 1989 to 2001, Bougainville experienced a violent conflict directly connected to the Panguna Mine. The Panguna Listening Project (PLP) is an initiative of the Catholic Diocese of Bougainville seeking to make the voices of the people heard in the Panguna mine affected areas.


      Report: Burnt Out.

      Report: Burnt Out.


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in African countries
      This dossier emphasises a forward-looking perspective through African voices, advocating for an African future where development is decoupled from fossil fuels, where sustainable energy drives prosperity and Africa’s well-being, and where the continent takes its rightful place in the global dialogue on climate, energy and development.

      • Publisher: Misereor
      • Publication date: June 2024
      • Pages: 42

      Report on Mental Health

      Report on Mental Health


      This study explores the vulnerabilities, traumatization processes, and Mental Health and


      This study explores the vulnerabilities, traumatization processes, and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) interventions in the selected
      conflict-affected regions of Amhara, Oromiya, and Tigray, with a particular focus on the role of Church-based organisations. Using qualitative and participatory methods, the research highlights the need for scaling up MHPSS efforts, emphasizing best practices and locally-led initiatives, and culminates in recommendations for enhancing MHPSS in these regions.

      • Publisher: This qualitative study is the result of a participatory and collaborative effort by three German-based organisations: Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Caritas Germany and Misereor with their partner organisations (in alphabetical order): Daughters of Charity in Mekelle, Diocese of Adigrat, Ethiopian Catholic Secretariate, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus – Development and Social Service Commission (EECMY-DASSC), Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church – Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOTC-DICAC), St Mary’s College Wukro; with support from Tium Debessay (Don Bosco Salesians).
      • Publication date: August 2024
      • Number of pages: 75


      Strengthening people-driven change processes in Asia

      Strengthening people-driven change processes in Asia


      The following documents discuss different ways of supporting marginalised people with


      The following documents discuss different ways of supporting marginalised people with shaping their change processes in a self-determined manner. This document is the outcome of the ongoing learning process around ‘people-led development’ of Misereor, selected partner organisations and their partner communities in Asia. It looks more closely at the roles and responsibilities Misereor, the partner organisations and marginalised communities could play in transformation processes, and the ‘how’ of project-related, yet self-determined, change processes with people at the centre. It critically reflects on ‘project business’ and the crucial roles of change facilitators and their organisations that endeavour to ideally respond to the needs of donors without compromising the participatory and empowering potential of such processes.

      Reading the electronic version of the text provides the reader with additional short texts examples, explanations and comments that are not included in the printable version.


      Deep Seabed Mining

      Deep Seabed Mining


      Treasure chest or another Pandora's box? In focus: the Pacific. Published 2016.

      Dirty Profits 6 - Mining and Extractive Companies: promises and progress

      Dirty Profits 6 - Mining and Extractive Companies: promises and progress


      Dirty Profits 6 report released by Facing Finance highlights the investments of ten


      Dirty Profits 6 report released by Facing Finance highlights the investments of ten European banks in ten transnational extractive companies like for example Glencore, Vale, Rio Tinto and others, variously which continually violate human rights and the environment. Violations cover contamination of land, water and air; silencing community activists using violence, threats and intimidation; labour violations and forced labour; and failure to provide the remedy communities deserve.  The Dirty Profits 6 report shows that the ten selected European banks alone provided capital of over €100 billion to these 10 extractive companies between 2010 and 2017. Most banks, particularly those that made the most capital available, are not taking strong enough action to ensure that mining and extractive companies respect human rights and environmental concerns. The authors of the report expect banks to take responsibility for human rights and environmental concerns in their decision making, e.g. by improving transparency and making public all relevant information related to engagement and by taking a proactive approach to identifying non-compliant companies.


      My Life - Starting Now

      My Life - Starting Now

      Knowledge and skills for young adolescentes, by Lucy Y. Steinitz with Eunice Karanja Kamaara


      Position Paper Trauma Work

      Position Paper Trauma Work


      Violence wounds both the body and the soul. Stable peace and long-term development are


      Violence wounds both the body and the soul. Stable peace and long-term development are only possible when people are able to overcome their fear, their generalized mistrust, and their grief. This is where trauma work comes into play.

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      • Through more than 100,000 Projects
      • In Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America
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