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      Policies, Guides & Forms

      Would you like to become a Misereor partner? Are you a partner looking for more information or a particular form? Here you will find a wide range of policy documents, guidelines, and forms on different topics:

      Submission of funding requests

      Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests to Misereor

      Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests to Misereor


      Misereor receives donations and subsidies from public and Church funds for its project


      Misereor receives donations and subsidies from public and Church funds for its project promotion activities. As Misereor is accountable to its funders and donors, we require the following information on the organisations and projects we are requested to support...


      Cost and Financing Plan

      Annex 1


      Cost and Financing Plan

      A sample to be filled in by our partners.

      Annex Data of the legal holder to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex Data of the legal holder to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex to Guidelines

      We require the following information from you as the Legal Holder of the

      Annex to Guidelines

      We require the following information from you as the Legal Holder of the project, or also from the organisation you have commissioned to implement the project:

      Annex Water Infrastructure to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex Water Infrastructure to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex to Guidelines

      In order to contribute towards successfully implementing the SDGs and achieving

      Annex to Guidelines

      In order to contribute towards successfully implementing the SDGs and achieving the human right to water and sanitation for all, Misereor pursues the below objectives. These objectives go beyond the mere provision of water in that they are intended to focus on the people, to improve their development opportunities and to safeguard their livelihoods and vital resources.

      Documents and information required by KZE on proposed building measures

      Documents and information required by KZE on proposed building measures

      As a result of the requirements of our back donors, we will normally need the information and

      As a result of the requirements of our back donors, we will normally need the information and documents which we have listed below in a comprehensive manner. 
      1 Drawings
      2. Further essential information
      3. Cost estimation 
      4. Declaration 


      Project Applications

      Special Requirements Relating to the Objectives and Indicators in Funding Requests and Narrative Reports

      Special Requirements Relating to the Objectives and Indicators in Funding Requests and Narrative Reports


      The project objective(s) have to be formulated such that they are achievable by the end of


      The project objective(s) have to be formulated such that they are achievable by the end of the funding period. They should therefore clearly and realistically describe the effects that are to be achieved by the end of that period...


      Narrative and Financial Reporting

      Please note:
      Misereor/KZE will never ask partner organisations by email to transfer any amounts of money to bank accounts of third parties. Any such requests are attempts at fraud. Please be alert at all times, and should you have any questions immediately contact the Misereor/KZE member of staff known to you by phone. Thank you.

      Guidelines for Narrative and Financial Reporting to Misereor

      Guidelines for Narrative and Financial Reporting to Misereor


      Project reporting is designed to benefit first and foremost the target groups themselves.


      Project reporting is designed to benefit first and foremost the target groups themselves. It should enable them to review changes that they faced or that they themselves brought about through the project, to draw comparisons between what was planned and what was actually achieved, and to reflect on what all this means for further work.

      At the same time Misereor is accountable to its funders and donors. This is why we require the information specified below on the projects we support.

      Acknowledgement of Receipt

      Acknowledgement of Receipt


      By sending this Acknowledgement of Receipt the recipient confirms to Misereor / Katholische


      By sending this Acknowledgement of Receipt the recipient confirms to Misereor / Katholische Zentralstelle für Globale Entwicklung e. V. (KZE) (The German Catholic Central Agency for Global Development) that the funds released were duly received in accordance with the Disbursement Notice.


      General Policies for Project Funding

      Safeguarding Policies

      Safeguarding Policies

      Information document

      Guidelines on transparency and on dealing with cases of embezzlement or corruption

      Guidelines on transparency and on dealing with cases of embezzlement or corruption


      In the development cooperation measures for which it is responsible, Misereor – the German


      In the development cooperation measures for which it is responsible, Misereor – the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation – also assumes responsibility for the appropriate implementation of the projects supported. With regard to the donations and tax monies with which it is entrusted, Misereor is therefore committed to accountability, transparency and participation, and to fighting all forms of embezzlement, diversion of funds for other than the intended purposes and corruption...

      Participation in the Work of Misereor

      Participation in the Work of Misereor

      Discussion Paper

      Misereor has always seen participation of the poor, their access to public

      Discussion Paper

      Misereor has always seen participation of the poor, their access to public services, economic resources and political decision-making processes, as an indispensable element of poverty alleviation. Participation is at the same time a goal, a principle and an instrument of development cooperation designed to sustainably improve the living conditions and the dignity of the poor. This comprehensive understanding of participation is rooted in the call for social justice and the preferential option for the poor, which are guiding principles of Christian social ethics...

      Partnership with Asia and Oceania

      Partnership with Asia and Oceania

      Orientation Framework

      Since 1958 Misereor has been cooperating with partners in Asia and Oceania.

      Orientation Framework

      Since 1958 Misereor has been cooperating with partners in Asia and Oceania. Working in a spirit of partnership has been a guiding principle from the outset: our partners in Asia and Oceania are themselves best placed to analyse the specific challenges and then to plan and implement corresponding responses. We seek an open dialogue with our partners that permits criticism from both sides and the sharing of experience.

      Supporting the autonomy of poor target groups

      Supporting the autonomy of poor target groups

      Information Document

      At Misereor we promote projects that support poor and disadvantaged people in

      Information Document

      At Misereor we promote projects that support poor and disadvantaged people in Africa, Asia and Latin America in becoming autonomous. In this context we need to ask how we and how you – our partner organisation – define the “autonomy of poor target group”. How is this strengthening of autonomy reflected in the projects?
      We would like to use this information document to dialogue with you, so that we can compare notes and exchange ideas on the autonomy of poor target groups.

      Procedure to be observed in the event of sexual abuse of children and adolescents in projects

      Procedure to be observed in the event of sexual abuse of children and adolescents in projects

      A joint position paper by Adveniat, Kindermissionswerk, Misereor, Missio Aachen, Missio München, and

      A joint position paper by Adveniat, Kindermissionswerk, Misereor, Missio Aachen, Missio München, and Renovabis, drawn up in consultation with and acknowledged by Caritas International


      Consulting Services

      Consulting services offered to Misereor's project partners - Practical tips and basic considerations

      Consulting services offered to Misereor's project partners - Practical tips and basic considerations


      Misereor supports its project partners not only by providing financing but also by


      Misereor supports its project partners not only by providing financing but also by supplementing this in some cases with consulting services. These guidelines explain to partners and consultants Misereor's understanding of consulting services and how to draw up the corresponding cooperation arrangements.



      Misereor Manual on Market Orientation for Vocational Training

      Misereor Manual on Market Orientation for Vocational Training

      Misereor seeks to provide you with methods and tools that can help to make vocational education and

      Misereor seeks to provide you with methods and tools that can help to make vocational education and training more effective. The greater the training institution’s familiarity with the market, the higher the number of graduates who will be able to find a job or become successfully self-employed.
      A market orientation in vocational training therefore means gearing training to market demand. Any form of market analysis or market survey in vocational training aims to identify what skills and abilities the market wants or what services and products the market needs; this information can then be used to improve the employment prospects and earnings of graduates.

      Capturing Results in Vocational Training

      Capturing Results in Vocational Training


      This manual is directed at all vocational training partners. It provides practical and


      This manual is directed at all vocational training partners. It provides practical and methodological guidance on how issues relating to the capturing of results can be more firmly incorporated into the monitoring system of a vocational training project.

      Misereor adopts a broad approach to vocational training that covers both non-formal/informal training measures to develop vocational and social skills and projects that focus on the acquisition of technical skills in a formal context. It aims to consider the target group’s overall pathway into work so that the appropriate
      support services can then be developed. Promoting employability by improving basic education, encouraging a career-oriented outlook and developing life skills are just as important in this as teaching specific technical skills.

      Principles and concepts of vocational training

      Principles and concepts of vocational training

      Vocational Training and Microbusiness - Funding Priorities for Africa

      Vocational Training and Microbusiness - Funding Priorities for Africa


      Funding Priorities regarding:

      • Goal
      • Direct Target Group
      • Indirect Target Group
      • Fields of

      Funding Priorities regarding:

      • Goal
      • Direct Target Group
      • Indirect Target Group
      • Fields of Promotion
      • ...
      Training for Self-Employment

      Training for Self-Employment


      From an offer to a demand orientated vocational training.



      Responding to HIV/AIDS

      Responding to HIV/AIDS


      The guide provides comprehensive information on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming and assists project


      The guide provides comprehensive information on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming and assists project staff to identify ways to effectively address the root causes of HIV infection and to mitigate the effects of HIV and AIDS on their core activities. It also addresses HIV and AIDS issues concerning staff within an organization.
      The guide was developed and revised in conjunction with Misereor partners in the South. Many of the examples and explanations were taken from African contexts; nevertheless the guide is designed to be used also in Asian and Latin American countries. Therefore you will also find references to non-African countries in this guide.

      Comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care and support

      Comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care and support

      Good practice examples from India

      India has the third-largest number of people living with HIV in

      Good practice examples from India

      India has the third-largest number of people living with HIV in the world. Misereor supports Indian partner organisations dealing with development work and health care services. Misereor aims to strengthen partner organisations to deliver good-quality health services where it is needed most.

      This document gives an overview of the HIV epidemic in India and describes good practice examples in comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, focusing on cen-tres providing medical and community care. These three community care centres (two in Andhra Pradesh and one in Tamil Nadu) are members of the Catholic Health Association of India, who is supported by Misereor. For each of these centres, it describes the history and current activities, illustrated by stories of the centre’s staff and the patients, who benefit from their services. The document ends by identifying some key aspects, which have led to the centres’ success.

      Promising responses to HIV and AIDS in agriculture, rural development, self-help and social protection

      Promising responses to HIV and AIDS in agriculture, rural development, self-help and social protection


      This document was conducted as a desk study and provides useful information and practical


      This document was conducted as a desk study and provides useful information and practical examples of responses to HIV and AIDS in the fields of agriculture, rural development, self-help and social protection. It aims to invite Misereor partners and others working in these fields to reflect on their current approaches and to encourage them to respond, in their core business, to the challenges presented by HIV and AIDS.


      Information about HIV and AIDS in local languages

      In Malawi, as in many other African countries, there is still a serious lack of information about HIV and AIDS, sex and gender issues, especially in local languages. The Misereor partner Youth Activists Initiative Organisation (YAIO) decided to confront this problem head-on. Their motto "Developing Creative Minds" is an apt description of their ideals.

      Read more


      Annex Water Infrastructure to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex Water Infrastructure to the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding Requests

      Annex to Guidelines

      In order to contribute towards successfully implementing the SDGs and achieving

      Annex to Guidelines

      In order to contribute towards successfully implementing the SDGs and achieving the human right to water and sanitation for all, Misereor pursues the below objectives. These objectives go beyond the mere provision of water in that they are intended to focus on the people, to improve their development opportunities and to safeguard their livelihoods and vital resources.

      Promotion Guidelines for Water Programmes and Projects in Africa

      Promotion Guidelines for Water Programmes and Projects in Africa


      For a number of years, there has been an ongoing debate within Misereor concerning the


      For a number of years, there has been an ongoing debate within Misereor concerning the preparation of promotion guidelines for various sectors. The following guidelines have now been established for the promotion of programmes and projects in the water sector in Africa, one of the key segment of Misereor's promotion.
      The promotion of water programmes in Africa will be oriented towards newly-defined goals and quality criteria. The latter should be discussed with our partner organisations so as to adapt them to the respective country contexts.

      Strategy paper on water resources management, water supply, sanitation and hygiene

      Strategy paper on water resources management, water supply, sanitation and hygiene

      Strategic orientation of Misereor and our partners on water resources management, water

      Strategic orientation of Misereor and our partners on water resources management, water supply, sanitation and hygiene.



      Documents and information required by KZE on proposed building measures

      Documents and information required by KZE on proposed building measures

      As a result of the requirements of our back donors, we will normally need the information and

      As a result of the requirements of our back donors, we will normally need the information and documents which we have listed below in a comprehensive manner. 
      1 Drawings
      2. Further essential information
      3. Cost estimation 
      4. Declaration 

      Special Rules Concerning Building Projects

      Special Rules Concerning Building Projects



      • Inviting tenders
      • Contract documents
      • Interim reporting
      • Alterations
      • Final


      • Inviting tenders
      • Contract documents
      • Interim reporting
      • Alterations
      • Final reporting
      • The final Statement of Receipts and Payments
      Adobe - anti-seismic construction handbook

      Adobe - anti-seismic construction handbook


      The aim of this handbook is to assist engineers and the population at large in repairing


      The aim of this handbook is to assist engineers and the population at large in repairing houses correctly.

      Wattle & Daub - anti-seismic construction handbook

      Wattle & Daub - anti-seismic construction handbook


      The aim of this construction handbook is to provide theoretical and technical support for


      The aim of this construction handbook is to provide theoretical and technical support for use by building engineers, construction workers and all those who decide to build their own house.

      Rehabilitation - anti-seismic construction handbook

      Rehabilitation - anti-seismic construction handbook


      After an earthquake many houses resist well or suffer some damage which can be repaired


      After an earthquake many houses resist well or suffer some damage which can be repaired without needing to demolish the house. The aim of this handbook is to assist engineers and the population at large in repairing houses correctly.

      Manual "Adobe production"

      Manual "Adobe production"


      This manual was designed for builders, technicians and other professionals involved in


      This manual was designed for builders, technicians and other professionals involved in rural housing development programmes in humid tropical climates.


      I support Misereor
      • Development support provided since 1958
      • Through more than 100,000 Projects
      • In Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America
      Donate by bank transfer: IBAN DE75 3706 0193 0000 1010 10 - BIC: GENODED1PAX - Pax-Bank Aachen