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      Editor's recommendations:

      Study Report - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Study Report - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements


      Despite adaptation efforts, climate-induced disasters are increasingly affecting


      Despite adaptation efforts, climate-induced disasters are increasingly affecting vulnerable urban communities. Using case studies from Sao Paulo (Brazil), Nairobi (Kenya) and Jakarta (Indonesia), the research summary commissioned by Misereor and conducted by UNU-EHS and MCII analyses how vulnerability, exposure and climate-related hazards cause economic and non-economic losses and damages in urban informal settlements. It identifies strategies to avert, minimise and address losses and damages, and how financing mechanisms should be designed to ensure adequate support for the most climate-vulnerable urban communities.

      • Publisher: Misereor
      • Publication date: October 2024
      • Number of pages: 137
      Addressing and Financing - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Addressing and Financing - Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements

      Briefing Paper

      Given the particular vulnerability of informal urban settlements, it is of utmost

      Briefing Paper

      Given the particular vulnerability of informal urban settlements, it is of utmost importance to ensure the speed, eligibility, adequacy and accessibility of damage financing. Innovative approaches that take into account the specific characteristics and needs of informal settlements must be considered and implemented.

      Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements - Resumé and Handout for  Misereor Partner Organisations

      Loss and Damage in Informal Urban Settlements - Resumé and Handout for Misereor Partner Organisations


      Climate change is already resulting in more intense and frequent disaster events. These


      Climate change is already resulting in more intense and frequent disaster events. These events are either so-called sudden onset events that occur within hours or days, such as flash floods, heavy rainfalls or storms or slowonset processes such as drought and rainfall variability that are not visually striking and have an immediate disruptive effect. Their gradual progression can obscure immediate impacts, which makes it difficult to measure or even perceive changes (Singh et al. 2021). Both types of events can result in disastrous consequences for the affected people, their belongings, and the environment.



      Report: Burnt Out.

      Report: Burnt Out.


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in African countries
      This dossier emphasises a forward-looking perspective through African voices, advocating for an African future where development is decoupled from fossil fuels, where sustainable energy drives prosperity and Africa’s well-being, and where the continent takes its rightful place in the global dialogue on climate, energy and development.

      • Publisher: Misereor
      • Publication date: June 2024
      • Pages: 42
      Press briefing: Burnt Out.

      Press briefing: Burnt Out.


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in


      Fossil fuel extraction fans the flames of the climate crisis and hinders development in African countries.

      Fossils Implicated. How the Promotion of Fossil Energies Inhibits Africa's Development.

      Fossils Implicated. How the Promotion of Fossil Energies Inhibits Africa's Development.


      The expansion of fossil fuels in Africa has serious social and economic consequences


      The expansion of fossil fuels in Africa has serious social and economic consequences that hinder development in many countries. The report “Fossils Implicated.” shows how renewable energies can promote sustainable development and at the same time support global goals such as the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement.

      • Publisher: Climate Advisers Network, Power Shift Africa, Misereor
      • Publication date: June 2024
      • Pages: 40

      Discussion paper: Rights of Nature - Challenging the “human-nature” relationship?

      Discussion paper: Rights of Nature - Challenging the “human-nature” relationship?


      In the fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment, the idea of


      In the fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment, the idea of the rights of nature is increasingly gaining prominence, especially in countries of the so-called Global South. The Misereor discussion paper presents fundamental aspects and developments of the approach and places it in the context of the socio-ecological transformation.

      • Publication date: April 2023
      • Publisher: Misereor
      • 12 pages

      Climate justice and the right to water

      Climate justice and the right to water

      Inspiring experiences of adaptation in urban areas of Latin America.


      Local struggles for housing rights in the context of climate change, urbanization and environmental degradation – Summary

      Local struggles for housing rights in the context of climate change, urbanization and environmental degradation – Summary


      The publication aims to show how the right to adequate housing and related rights are


      The publication aims to show how the right to adequate housing and related rights are threatened by climate change, increasing urbanization and environmental degradation, by highlighting ground-level experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. It aims to encourage an integrated approach to policy-making and to present examples of community-led tools and solutions from five countries: Cameroon, El Salvador, Nigeria, Peru and the Philippines. The report concludes with recommendations to national governments, local governments and the UN human rights mechanisms.

      The full report is available in English. You can find the summary of the report in German, Spanish and French.


      Local struggles for housing rights, in the context of climate change, urbanization and environmental degradation

      Local struggles for housing rights, in the context of climate change, urbanization and environmental degradation

      The publication aims to show how the right to adequate housing and related rights are threatened by

      The publication aims to show how the right to adequate housing and related rights are threatened by climate change, increasing urbanization and environmental degradation, by highlighting ground-level experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. It aims to encourage an integrated approach to policy-making and to present examples of community-led tools and solutions from five countries: Cameroon, El Salvador, Nigeria, Peru and the Philippines.


      Climate-Responsive Construction

      Climate-Responsive Construction

      Policy Document

      The world population is growing. More and more people need housing and

      Policy Document

      The world population is growing. More and more people need housing and infrastructure for a good life. New settlements and rappidly growing cities further increase this need. At present about 3.5 billion people live in cities. The United Nations predicts that by 2050 this figure will rise to about six billion. The informal settlements that currently house almost one billion people could thus acquire an additional one to two billion inhabitants. Cities in Asia and Africa are expected to experience the biggest increase.

      The document can also be ordered by e-mail at:

      Good energy for All!

      Good energy for All!


      Climate Mitigation and Justice in the energy sector. Five perspectives from Africa, Asia


      Climate Mitigation and Justice in the energy sector. Five perspectives from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

      Misereor has started a dialogue process on sustainable energy, mitigation in the energy sector and energy justice with partners in 7 countries. Not only clean energy but fair and equal access to resources and energy has been a special focus. Read the key findings.

      The document can also be ordered by e-mail at: Silvia.Cottin@misereor.de

      Phase-Out 2020: Monitoring Europe’s fossil fuel subsidies

      Phase-Out 2020: Monitoring Europe’s fossil fuel subsidies


      European governments and the EU are handing out more than €112 billion each year to prop up


      European governments and the EU are handing out more than €112 billion each year to prop up the production and consumption of fossil fuels, despite a pledge to phase out harmful subsidies out by 2020.

      A new report by the Overseas Development Institute and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, where Misereor is a member, has for the first time gathered detailed information on the support provided to fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal from 11 European countries and the EU between 2014 and 2016. CAN Europe urges Governments to stop subsidizing fossil fuels and invest into climate friendly development.

      Beyond coal

      Beyond coal

      Position paper

      Scaling up clean energy to fight global poverty

      A change of course. How to build a fair future in a 1.5° world

      A change of course. How to build a fair future in a 1.5° world


      Limiting global temperature rise as set out in the Paris Agreement can only be achieved


      Limiting global temperature rise as set out in the Paris Agreement can only be achieved – according to mainstream opinion – by technologies hopefully available in the future. This publication shows practical examples how we can realize a habitable world for all already today, instead of postponing the solutions to the climate crisis.

      A successful provocation for a pluralistic global society

      A successful provocation for a pluralistic global society

      Briefing Paper

      The encyclical Laudato Si’ – A Magna Carta of integral ecology as a reaction to

      Briefing Paper

      The encyclical Laudato Si’ – A Magna Carta of integral ecology as a reaction to humanity’s self-destructive course. This background paper explores the potential relevance within a pluralistic society of the important encyclical Laudato Si’ issued by Pope Francis in June 2015.

      Climate Policy in Cities without Forced Evictions

      Climate Policy in Cities without Forced Evictions

      Policy Document

      Establishing Human Rights Principles in the Urban Agenda. Misereor Policy Paper on

      Policy Document

      Establishing Human Rights Principles in the Urban Agenda. Misereor Policy Paper on the 3. UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

      The Climate Crisis – People’s Potential and Needs for Adaptation and Mitigation

      The Climate Crisis – People’s Potential and Needs for Adaptation and Mitigation


      This report summarises inputs and discussions of a conference organised in India in October


      This report summarises inputs and discussions of a conference organised in India in October 2009 by Misereor and Welthungerhilfe in partnership with South-Asian partner organisations. It includes the recommendations that were formulated and that highlight the need to recognise local people’s strategies in adapting to climate change.


      Climate Change and Agriculture

      Agriculture: from Problem to Solution Achieving the Right to Food in a Climate-Constrained World.

      Agriculture: from Problem to Solution Achieving the Right to Food in a Climate-Constrained World.


      Guiding Principles and Recommendation for climate policies in regards to agriculture.


      Guiding Principles and Recommendation for climate policies in regards to agriculture. CIDSE (2012).

      Biochar – a Climate Smart Solution?

      Biochar – a Climate Smart Solution?


      Various “climatefriendly” agricultural solutions have already been proposed: they include


      Various “climatefriendly” agricultural solutions have already been proposed: they include biochar and no-tillage agriculture. Against this background, Misereor uses this series of papers to examine whether these solutions actually lead to climate-friendly and equitable agriculture with a clear commitment to a pro-poor approach.

      No-till Agriculture – a Climate Smart Solution?

      No-till Agriculture – a Climate Smart Solution?


      Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our globalized world today. The poor


      Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our globalized world today. The poor population in developing countries will be particularly affected by global warming, of which developed countries are the major drivers. Science clearly indicates that a global temperature rise of 2°C above pre-industrial levels may change the face of the world irreversibly. A range of
      mitigation solutions is needed to avoid exceeding the 2°C limit. The need for truly sustainable and climate-friendly development is clear.


      Climate Smart Agriculture and Carbon Markets

      No. 1 "Climate-Smart Agriculture – A useful Development Paradigm?"

      No. 1 "Climate-Smart Agriculture – A useful Development Paradigm?"


      To attain the goal of limiting global warming to below 2°C in order to protect those living in


      To attain the goal of limiting global warming to below 2°C in order to protect those living in poverty from the severe impacts of climate change, sustainable and climate-friendly development in all economic sectors is essential. In the run-up to Rio+20, the Environment Programme (UNEP) has identified agriculture as a sector vital to the process of transformation from “brown” to “green” economies.

      No. 2 "Carbon markets in Agriculture – Benefitting the Poor and the Climate?"

      No. 2 "Carbon markets in Agriculture – Benefitting the Poor and the Climate?"


      Enhancing food security in a sustainable way without putting the global climate at risk is one


      Enhancing food security in a sustainable way without putting the global climate at risk is one of the main global challenges. It is clear that support for farmers is urgently needed. Many argue that carbon markets are a good instrument for the mobilisation of fi nancial resources to ensure climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector while also alleviating poverty and fostering adaptation to the severe impacts of climate change. Misereor, based on its 50 years of experience in poverty alleviation, does not share these hopes...

      No. 3 "Climate Smart Solution at Stake: No-till Agriculture"

      No. 3 "Climate Smart Solution at Stake: No-till Agriculture"


      No-till agriculture is one of the ‘climate-smart’ solutions promoted as a panacea for problems


      No-till agriculture is one of the ‘climate-smart’ solutions promoted as a panacea for problems such as hunger and climate change. Several voices advocate no-till as a way to benefit from international climate finance and existing and future carbon markets. But is no-till really a solution to reduce hunger in the world and mitigate climate change? And should no-till farming benefit from existing and future carbon markets?

      No. 4 "Climate Smart Solution at Stake: Biochar"

      No. 4 "Climate Smart Solution at Stake: Biochar"


      Biochar is promoted as a silver bullet for various challenges: enhancing carbon sequestration


      Biochar is promoted as a silver bullet for various challenges: enhancing carbon sequestration in soils, enriching soils in order to raise yields, and contributing to food security and poverty reduction. In order to spread this technology, many now advocate including biochar and soil carbon in general in a carbon market scheme.


      Climate Change and Forests

      Rights before REDD

      Rights before REDD

      Workshop Documentation

      Misereor Position Paper on the Mechanism Reducing Emissions from

      Workshop Documentation

      Misereor Position Paper on the Mechanism Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD +).


      Energy for the Poor

      Energy for the Poor

      Energy for the Poor


      What We Expect from Political Decision-Makers.


      More publications in other languages

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