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      Empowerment and participation for people-led change processes

      Misereor firmly believes that changes cannot be dictated externally. The following documents discuss different ways of supporting marginalised people with shaping their change processes in a self-determined manner.

      Strengthening people-driven change processes in Asia

      Strengthening people-driven change processes in Asia


      The following documents discuss different ways of supporting marginalised people with


      The following documents discuss different ways of supporting marginalised people with shaping their change processes in a self-determined manner. This document is the outcome of the ongoing learning process around ‘people-led development’ of Misereor, selected partner organisations and their partner communities in Asia. It looks more closely at the roles and responsibilities Misereor, the partner organisations and marginalised communities could play in transformation processes, and the ‘how’ of project-related, yet self-determined, change processes with people at the centre. It critically reflects on ‘project business’ and the crucial roles of change facilitators and their organisations that endeavour to ideally respond to the needs of donors without compromising the participatory and empowering potential of such processes.

      Reading the electronic version of the text provides the reader with additional short texts examples, explanations and comments that are not included in the printable version.


      For readers who are in a hurry or particularly interested in certain aspects, we also provide the document in three separate sections:

      Your comments, sharing and deeper reflections are most welcome and can be linked to the document. Please contact PLDP@misereor.de

      Report on Mental Health

      Report on Mental Health


      This study explores the vulnerabilities, traumatization processes, and Mental Health and


      This study explores the vulnerabilities, traumatization processes, and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) interventions in the selected
      conflict-affected regions of Amhara, Oromiya, and Tigray, with a particular focus on the role of Church-based organisations. Using qualitative and participatory methods, the research highlights the need for scaling up MHPSS efforts, emphasizing best practices and locally-led initiatives, and culminates in recommendations for enhancing MHPSS in these regions.

      • Publisher: This qualitative study is the result of a participatory and collaborative effort by three German-based organisations: Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Caritas Germany and Misereor with their partner organisations (in alphabetical order): Daughters of Charity in Mekelle, Diocese of Adigrat, Ethiopian Catholic Secretariate, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus – Development and Social Service Commission (EECMY-DASSC), Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church – Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOTC-DICAC), St Mary’s College Wukro; with support from Tium Debessay (Don Bosco Salesians).
      • Publication date: August 2024
      • Number of pages: 75


      Stories of Pain and Hope

      Stories of Pain and Hope


      In the trauma brochure, a Nigerian community tells four stories of wounded hearts. The


      In the trauma brochure, a Nigerian community tells four stories of wounded hearts. The second part describes how these wounded harts can be recognized and the third part is about healing together.

      Supporting the autonomy of poor target groups

      Supporting the autonomy of poor target groups

      Information Document

      At Misereor we promote projects that support poor and disadvantaged people in

      Information Document

      At Misereor we promote projects that support poor and disadvantaged people in Africa, Asia and Latin America in becoming autonomous. In this context we need to ask how we and how you – our partner organisation – define the “autonomy of poor target group”. How is this strengthening of autonomy reflected in the projects?
      We would like to use this information document to dialogue with you, so that we can compare notes and exchange ideas on the autonomy of poor target groups.

      Participation in the Work of Misereor

      Participation in the Work of Misereor

      Discussion Paper

      Misereor has always seen participation of the poor, their access to public

      Discussion Paper

      Misereor has always seen participation of the poor, their access to public services, economic resources and political decision-making processes, as an indispensable element of poverty alleviation. Participation is at the same time a goal, a principle and an instrument of development cooperation designed to sustainably improve the living conditions and the dignity of the poor. This comprehensive understanding of participation is rooted in the call for social justice and the preferential option for the poor, which are guiding principles of Christian social ethics...

      Strengthening People-led Development

      Strengthening People-led Development


      A joint effort of local communities, NGOs and donors to redefine participation. The


      A joint effort of local communities, NGOs and donors to redefine participation. The publication documents field experiences made by Misereor partners in Asia in strengthening people-led development processes. Misereor has initiated reflection processes with partner organisations and their partner communities on how to facilitate ‘real’ participation and ownership by local communities of development initiatives. Open communication, peer learning and creating spaces for experiential learning are important elements of such development processes.


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      Je soutiens Misereor
      • Coopération au développement depuis 1958
      • Plus de 100 000 projets de développement
      • En Afrique, Asie, Océanie et Amérique Latine
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