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      Cash Transfer Programmes in Development Cooperation

      Cash Transfer Programmes in Development Cooperation

      This study investigates numerous Cash Transfer Programmes (CTPs) around the world. It scrutinises

      This study investigates numerous Cash Transfer Programmes (CTPs) around the world. It scrutinises their respective designs, aims, and efficiency, highlights similarities, and derives implications regarding their viability as instrument in NGOs’ development cooperation endeavours.


      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor

      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2024

      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2024


      Compared to the years during the COVID-19 crisis, in some countries of the Global South the


      Compared to the years during the COVID-19 crisis, in some countries of the Global South the debt situation has slightly eased. For most countries there, however, the debt situation remains tense. In 130 of the 152 countries surveyed in the Global South, the debt situation is at least slightly critical; in 24 of these countries, the situation is very critical. Overall, 55% of the countries surveyed are critically or very critically indebted – in contrast to only 37% before the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2024, countries in the Global South have to make more debt service payments to their external creditors than ever before. For 45 countries, more than 15% of government revenue flows into debt servicing.

      • Published: 15 April 2024
      • Editors: Misereor and erlassjahr.d
      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2020

      Global Sovereign Debt Monitor 2020


      The global debt crisis is gripping more and more countries in the Global South. It is


      The global debt crisis is gripping more and more countries in the Global South. It is threatening the livelihoods of millions of people. At the same time, many over-indebted countries are suffering massively from the impacts of climate change. Bone crushing debt servicing is hampering urgently needed adaptation measures. 


      Business and Human Rights

      The copy & paste method

      The copy & paste method


      A briefing on how German MEPs are taking demands from the business lobby literally on the


      A briefing on how German MEPs are taking demands from the business lobby literally on the EU supply chain law.

      Publisher: Misereor & Global Policy Forum
      Year of publication: January 2023
      Pages: 4

      Case Report

      Case Report

      The safety business: TÜV SÜD ’s role in the Brumadinho dam failure in Brazil

      At least 272 people

      The safety business: TÜV SÜD ’s role in the Brumadinho dam failure in Brazil

      At least 272 people were killed on 25 January 2019 when the B1 dam near Brumadinho (Brazil), broke at the Córrego do Feijão iron ore mine. Twenty-one of the dead were never found. The toxic sludge destroyed buildings,and polluted fertile soil and large sections of the Paraopeba River, which supplies the region’s drinking water.

      Rules of engagement between the UN and private actors

      Rules of engagement between the UN and private actors

      Working paper

      Towards a regulatory and institutional framework

      No EU trade agreement with Mexico without ex-ante sustainability impact assessment!

      No EU trade agreement with Mexico without ex-ante sustainability impact assessment!


      The possible worsening of conflicts and social crisis as a result of the planned trade


      The possible worsening of conflicts and social crisis as a result of the planned trade liberalization commitments in the area of investment, intellectual property and energy in the frame of the "modernization" of the EU-Mexico Trade Agreement is of paramount importance. So far, on the European Union side, the possible effects of the agreement have not been fully investigated. It is completely unacceptable that the decided Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) will only start at a time when the negotiations are nearing completion.

      Holding Companies Accountable

      Holding Companies Accountable


      Lessons from transnational human rights litigation. Published June 2014.

      Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United Nations

      Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United Nations

      Working Paper

      This working paper gives an overview of the debate from the early efforts to formulate

      Working Paper

      This working paper gives an overview of the debate from the early efforts to formulate the UN Code of Conduct to the current initiative for a binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights.

      Global Business and Human Rights - Putting Germany to the Test

      Global Business and Human Rights - Putting Germany to the Test


      Adopted in 2011, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights provide for the first


      Adopted in 2011, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights provide for the first time an internationally recognised set of recommendations for realising human rights in business. Misereor and Germanwatch followed the elaboration of these Guiding Principles very closely, and see them as a first component of a more comprehensive regime to protect human rights in business. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German business community are now called upon to implement these UN Guiding Principles comprehensively.
      Against this background, the present report should be seen as a first comprehensive and joint contribution to this debate.

      Business and Human Rights

      Business and Human Rights

      Position Paper

      Expectations of a German Action Plan.


      Post-2015 Process

      A Fatal Attraction? Business engagement with the 2030 Agenda

      A Fatal Attraction? Business engagement with the 2030 Agenda

      Policy Paper

      The engagement of the private sector for global sustainability and the achievement of

      Policy Paper

      The engagement of the private sector for global sustainability and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is important. Yet, it involves risks and potentially negative side effects as companies will need to overcome "business as usual" to transform their business models fundamentally according to the Agenda 2030.

      Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process

      Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process

      Working Paper

      This working paper examines the role and influence of business actors in the process

      Working Paper

      This working paper examines the role and influence of business actors in the process towards the Post-2015 agenda of the UN, with particular attention to the influence of large transnational corporations. Published January 2014.


      Economic Growth and Development

      Discussion Paper: Towards a socio-ecological transformation of the economy

      Discussion Paper: Towards a socio-ecological transformation of the economy

      Discussion paper

      The present study gives an overview of approaches, concepts and examples. However,

      Discussion paper

      The present study gives an overview of approaches, concepts and examples. However, since there are many approaches and concepts and even more practical  experiences, the study cannot be complete but can only pick some prominent examples and serve as a starting point for the platform project. Participants of the platform project will add many more approaches, concepts and examples from their practical work to this initial collection and enrich it with their expertise, views and experiences.

      EU-Mercosur Agreement

      EU-Mercosur Agreement

      Risks to Climate Protection and Human Rights

      On June 28, 2019 the EU and Mercosur concluded the

      Risks to Climate Protection and Human Rights

      On June 28, 2019 the EU and Mercosur concluded the negotiation of the text of the Association Agreement. Besides Trade, the deal includes two additional pillars on Political Dialogue and Cooperation. However only the Trade pillar has been published raising concerns about the impacts that agreement would bear on human rights and the environment as no human rights clause or sustainability impact assessments have been made available.

      Myths and risks of the EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement

      Myths and risks of the EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement

      Policy Brief

      The Policy Brief looks at the myths and risks of the planned EU-Myanmar Investment

      Policy Brief

      The Policy Brief looks at the myths and risks of the planned EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement currently being discussed. The paper argues that the benefits of the IPA are highly overstated, and the risks seriously underestimated.

      Economic Growth and Development

      Economic Growth and Development


      Changing course to ensure a better life for all. Memo drafted by the Misereor focus group


      Changing course to ensure a better life for all. Memo drafted by the Misereor focus group 'Economic growth and development'.


      Financial Transactions

      International Taxes on Financial Transactions

      International Taxes on Financial Transactions

      Position Paper

      Responding to global challenges - towards a fairer sharing of costs! Published by

      Position Paper

      Responding to global challenges - towards a fairer sharing of costs! Published by CIDSE.


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